projects (pdf download)
statement/cv (pdf download)
current/forthcoming #artistssupportpledge
FEMINIST PERFORMATIVE ARCHITECTURES: making place in & with public space.
Helen Stratford is a socially engaged artist and architect, writer, educator & researcher with a PhD in Performative Architectures from the University of Sheffield, UK (2021). Developed through her inter-disciplinary practice, embracing performance, art, architecture, ethnography & civic action, her thesis expands performativity, placemaking & participation. Recent publications:
A Day with A Duck 2022
Collective Performing 2021
Seats at the Table London Festival of Architecture 2023
A space designed with Raquel Meseguer Zafe that hosts quotes from people living with invisible disabilities & chronic illnesses, alongside gentle instructions that invite people to pause, rest & lie down.
INCLINE / RECLINE / DECLINE: ways to not necessarily walk 2022
A gentle score written with Idit Nathan in
The Walkbook: Recipes for Walking & Wellbeing
by Claire Hind, Dee Heddon, Maggie O’Neill, Clare Qualmann, Morag Rose, Harry Wilson & Carole Wright, part of Walking Publics/Walking Arts: walking, wellbeing & community during COVID-19.
A series of permanent sculptures installed around the Upper Lake of
Yorkshire Sculpture Park
that invite people to experience the park in new ways. Developed with
Idit Nathan
from walkshops made with visitors & workers during a walking residency.
Image: RESTING CONVERSATIONS: Seats at the Table - London Festival of Architecture 2023 (© Luke O'Donovan)